Claiming the word “ECOFRIENDLY”

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One of the most common words in the past few years in pertaining to the environment is “ECOFRIENDLY”. Where do I begin and how did I reach the point of claiming this word “ECOFRIENDLY”

So, this is a prelim of my story.


This is the beach (10 minute from home) where I spent a lot of my childhood and early adult years playing. Beautiful white sand to have games, ride horses and one of the best places I can sit back on a chair and get lost in my daydreams. The adventurous part of me would walk all the way to the beginning of the coral reef to prove to my friends how shallow the water was. The water was so clear that you could stand and watch the small fishes swimming around your toes.

Presently this is the beach now:-

The coral reefs offshore have been so greatly damaged that the reef crests that had been visible from the beach have disappeared. Corals have died and the reefs are now covered in algae.

A landmark report published in 2012 found that Hellshire had lost up to 120 meters of shoreline in four decades. The beachfront has been swallowed by the surging tides, because of decades of climate change. The recreational areas are totally gone so the sea is now right at the steps of the business places.

So why am I claiming this word “ECOFRIENDLY”, the destruction of a childhood place that cannot be replace. How can we maintained and make this place “EARTH” be given to our children and grandchildren the best that it can be?  Let us make it “ECOFRIENDLY”.